Very interesting. Thank you.

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Very interesting thanks, not just because I see myself mentioned along with a link to my Twitter page.


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As far as I understand Tozinameran (sounds as toxic as it seems to be) is the modRNA in the lipid. The whole soup together (with all the sucrose buffer whatever) is then the either Pizer-BionTech or Comirnaty or simply BNT162/b... I think this is important esp. regarding legal cases against the manufacturers.

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tozinameran, riltozinameran, famtozinameran are the WHO INN names of wild-type, omicron BA1 and omicron BA4/5 modRNAs. Interestingly enough, NZ has more mentions of "Comirnaty" than of "Tozinameran", and the authorized product was called BNT162b2 from february - november 2021, and from december onwards it was called tozinameran. Feel free to take a look in the "NZ Table" sheet in the Excel file. When you search SEC filings, BNT162b2 is mostly mentioned in the EUA context, while Tozinameran is mostly in the BLA context. Perhaps this difference is also listed on the DailyMed website, haven't looked into the b2/tozinameran difference beyond what i've just noted.

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There is special current interest in Lot EJ0553 and its version EJ0553Z.

What is the Z meaning?

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No idea! But I will do a little sleuthing and see if I find anything

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